👋 About Me

Hi! I am Haoyun Qin (秦浩允), a second year undergrad student at University of Pennsylvania majoring in Computer Science (expected graduation in 3 years, 2025). I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Boon Thau Loo and working at NetDB@UPenn. My research interests lie in the intersection of machine learning and systems, both ML Systems and ML for Systems. I also have experience in distributed systems, formal methods, and computer vision.

🔥 News

📝 Publications

🔎 Peer-reviewed Conference / Journal Papers

Hyperstroke: A Novel High-quality Stroke Representation for Assistive Artistic Drawing
Haoyun Qin, Jian Lin, Hanyuan Liu, Xueting Liu, Chengze Li

BFTBrain: Adaptive BFT Consensus with Reinforcement Learning
Chenyuan Wu, Haoyun Qin, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Boon Thau Loo, Dahlia Malkhi, Ryan Marcus
22nd USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI’25)

BFTGym: An Interactive Playground for BFT Protocols
Haoyun Qin, Chenyuan Wu, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Ryan Marcus, Boon Thau Loo
50th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB’24)

Towards Truly Adaptive Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Consensus
Chenyuan Wu, Haoyun Qin, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Boon Thau Loo, Dahlia Malkhi, Ryan Marcus
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Volume 58, Issue 1

Fast Virtual Gate Extraction For Silicon Quantum Dot Devices
Shize Che, Seongwoo Oh, Haoyun Qin, Yuhao Liu, Anthony Sigillito and Gushu Li
Design Automation Conference (DAC’24)

Towards Full Stack Adaptivity in Permissioned Blockchains
Chenyuan Wu, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Haoyun Qin, Bhavana Mehta, Ryan Marcus, Boon Thau Loo
50th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB’24)

📸 Preprints / Under Submission

To be updated.

🎓 Experiences

🚀 Projects

Full list of my projects and opensource contributions can be found on my Github.

[Jan. 2024] BFTGym: An Interactive Playground for BFT Protocols

An interactive platform that allows people to (1) evaluate, compare, and gather insights into the performance of various BFT protocols under a wide range of conditions, and (2) prototype new BFT protocols rapidly.

Click here for Repo

[Dec. 2023] Dungeon Assistant

A Scalable WiFi RSSI based Indoor Localization + LiDAR-based 3D Indoor Reconstruction solution with great operational benefit.

Click here for Repo Click here for Dataset Click here for Report

[Apr. 2023] CNN-based CJK Font Recoginizer

First-ever CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) font recognizer and style extractor. Support more than 5000 TrueType / OpenType fonts through 200GB distributedly synthesized dataset of various layout and styling.

Click here for Repo Click here for Dataset Click here for Online Demo

[Aug. 2022] Ayase - A Search-based Accessibility Navigation Tool

A cool accessibility tool that can help people navigate on-screen elements using keyboard by text search. Supports applications built from various technologies including Electron, Web, Qt, WPF, UWP, etc.

Click here for Repo

📚 Teaching

  • CIS 380: Operating System, Spring 2024, TA
  • CIT 595: System Programming, Spring 2024, TA
  • CIS 380: Operating System, Fall 2023, TA
  • CIS 502: Analysis of Algorithms (Graduate version), Fall 2023, TA
  • CIT 595: System Programming, Fall 2023, TA
  • CIS 320: Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2023, TA
  • CIS 548: Operating System (Graduate version), Spring 2023, TA